Appointments must be made for all consultations. This can be done by phoning 053 91 22524. Otherwise, book your next appointment at reception when leaving.

We try to accommodate urgent medical matters as much as possible. Emergency appointments are available every day for those in need of urgent medical attention. Please call as early as possible on the day (from 8.30am onwards) to avail of one of these appointments. You will be asked your name, contact number and symptoms by the receptionist, the list will be then triaged by the GP and appointments allocated per urgency. Please be aware these appointments are for urgent medical issues only and routine appointments can be booked in advance.

For “Out of Hours” service, please contact CareDoc on (0818) 300 365.

Note: Surgery phone lines are in operation from 8.30am – 12.30pm, and from 2.30pm – 5pm only.